Taarifa ya UNCCD
Generate data package for UNCCD reporting
In the Trends.Earth panel, select the Algorithm window, click on UNCCD Reporting - Generate data package for UNCCD reporting and select Execute locally.

The window will appear with the default data populated in the drop-down lists for the region of interest. Enter Execution name and Notes. Select Execute locally.

In the Trends.Earth panel, select the Datasets tab. The task submitted will appear in the menu if the Download remotely-generated datasets automatically is checked in settings.
Refer to the Mipangilio section of this manual to learn more about Advanced settings
Select the Refresh button if the analysis does not appear in the menu.
Select the add layer drop-down button to Add default layers from this layer to the map

The final SDG 15.3.1 Indicator using default data will be added to the map for the region of interest.
Refer to the UNCCD Reporting - SDG 15.3.1 background for interpreting the results of this analysis.