Dataset Reports

  • Objective: Learn how to generate and view reports from one or more datasets.

  • ** Muda uliotarajiwa wa kukamilika **: dakika 10

  • Internet access: Not Required

View Dataset Output Reports

  1. Select the Open report directory sub-menu in a dataset item's report button.

  1. This action will open the directory containing the output reports for the selected dataset. Depending on the report configuration for the given algorithm, the directory will contain PDF and/or image files showing the default thematic layers for the selected dataset.

    The example below is from the sub-indicators for SDG 15.3.1 algorithm with the AOI set to Uganda.


Open Report Layouts

  1. Select the Open layouts... sub-menu in a dataset item's report button.

  1. This action will open the QGIS project containing the job's layers and layouts in a separate application instance.

  2. By default, on opening the project, a warning message will appear indicating Python macros cannot be run. This is a security features that prevents users from running macros for QGIS projects from unknown or untrusted sources. However, in this case, the project is locally generated hence it is safe to run macros by clicking on the Enable Macros button in the message bar (top-right corner).

  1. On the Layout Manager dialog, select a layout name in the list then click on Show to edit the layout.



  • If the Reports button (iconReports) is disabled, it means the report generation task is still running and will automatically be enabled once the process is complete.

  • If the Reports button is not visible, then it means there is no report configuration defined for datasets resulting from the given algorithm.


To allow macros to be executed automatically, go to Settings > Options then, under the General category, scroll to the bottom to the Enable Macros setting. Select Always, though this option is not recommended especially if you interact with qgs or qgz projects from external sources.